Tuesday, 17 January 2012


And so with this thought:
“I’ll not give up on Africa”
Never to Africa
Will I say, “Goodbye”

With the sound
Of this need
I rebound
With speed.
Planting in my heart’s ground
A seed…

A dream is what I planted.
I’ll never say goodbye
I hear an inspirational lullaby
Exactly what I wanted.

In my dreams
I see poets, visionaries and dreamers
Who water my seed of thought
And remind me of great things taught.
They show me a replica
Of the pain and glory of Africa.

Now I’m awake
Sharing my thoughts…
Oh, there’s one thing I forgot
They said YOU too have a thought,
You are an AFRICAN
With great thoughts

[Written circa 1914hrs   30/07/2011.Inspired by comments and posts of a Facebook group “POETS, VISIONARIES AND DREAMERS"]

Thursday, 5 January 2012


I stand before no easel
With no paintbrush or canvas.
I stand between good and evil
I'm sad at what divides us.
And then I begin to paint...

I paint...
I paint a tainted picture,
A self-portrait
With pigment of dark chocolate.
I paint...

I paint a caricature;
It's about the problems,
For that's what my mind captures.
We can't deny, we have them.
But it matters how we handle them

And so with melanin,
I paint.
I paint melancholy.
I paint a usual picture:
Problems we have in Africa.
I paint, I paint.
I paint melancholy...

[Written circa 1757hrs, 04/01/2012. Inspired by the "Coliseum Challenge," at P.O.E.T.S (People Of Equal Thoughts & Spirit) ]