Monday, 6 February 2012


We are
Two elements
In one.

We are made one,
Created in two,
Conceived in three,
But we are one
Or are we?

We search
The universe
But are not
To finding
The us within.

Do we know the end,
The continuation
Or where to begin?:
The existence
Of our being.
Do we understand
Or do we just live?

Is it life
That's spiritual
Or are we?
Or are we not really humans?

Questions asnwer questions.
Is the problem the solution?

For our existence,
Our being
Is sometimes

Too human...

[Written 6/02/2012,circa 1009hrs--1043 hrs.Inspired by Richard Henry Quist Sr.'s poem, "We were," written about 10 hours before I wrote mine at P.O.E.T.S (People Of Equal Thoughts & Spirit)>>> ]

Thursday, 2 February 2012


Thoughts are crowding my mind
They gang up against my opinions
And beat it up till it's maimed.

And without a sense of self
No original thoughts, no perceptions, no ideas.
But when my identity was threatened.
Rip!!!! I tore up my mind's curtain
To expose the holy of holies
Of the inception of my thought process.

I begin to think for myself.
I imbibed those written thoughts
Availably arranged on bookshelves

Now, the thoughts in my mind
Are in constant motion.
My spirit is heated up
Because of the constant friction
Of my thoughts.
Constant, motion
Constant, friction

Give me some mushrooms
And some soup
Before I begin...
Before I speak.
This is what I think.

Thoughts are crowding my mind
This is what I stand for.
My perception will not sit down.
My identity :
One way I think.

[Written 31/01/2012. Inspired by Izzi-Autora's posts, "Desperation: ...thoughts are crowding my brain" and "Confusion:...thoughts in her head collide," on her blog:]