Pebble hearts
marbled floors.
So from whence come broken hearts?
A perfect heart will crack the floor
Which means that heart
Was never in love.
But pebble hearts
Cracked by the floor,
Ooze the essence of our imperfections:
Our flaws.
Pebble hearts:
Because we know lovers aren't perfect.
Pebble hearts:
Because we choose not harm our love.
Pebble hearts:
Because we are willing to forgive
And restore the imperfect smoothness
Of our love.
So have faith in love once more.
Have faith and leap
And feel the fall...
Pebble hearts
And marbled floors.
So from whence come broken hearts?
-Royyce Jeddi O'Zionn
[Inspired by the picture above which was posted by Ganyobi Nii Saki Sackey on [P.O.E.T.S] People Of Equal Thoughts' Facebook wall.Written circa 1416hrs on Thursday, 13th September,2012.]
So from whence come broken hearts?
A perfect heart will crack the floor
Which means that heart
Was never in love.
But pebble hearts
Cracked by the floor,
Ooze the essence of our imperfections:
Our flaws.
Pebble hearts:
Because we know lovers aren't perfect.
Pebble hearts:
Because we choose not harm our love.
Pebble hearts:
Because we are willing to forgive
And restore the imperfect smoothness
Of our love.
So have faith in love once more.
Have faith and leap
And feel the fall...
Pebble hearts
And marbled floors.
So from whence come broken hearts?
-Royyce Jeddi O'Zionn
[Inspired by the picture above which was posted by Ganyobi Nii Saki Sackey on [P.O.E.T.S] People Of Equal Thoughts' Facebook wall.Written circa 1416hrs on Thursday, 13th September,2012.]
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